Python with django framework

Earlier in this blog I presented ruby on rails, which is a very nice technology for building web systems in a high level development technology, presenting many advantages. Well, as rails is to ruby the framework for web development, so is django for python language, and it is interesting to mention that despite the fact that there might be many differences between each one, they are also very similar in many other aspects, specially the most important ones, like for example they differ in the syntax, but logically they have a very similar background and both applies very good concepts of software engineering and design principles such as OAOO (Once And Only Once [01]), convention over configuration [02],[03], MVC [04], unit testing inclusion (allowing TDD [05]), etc.

The main advantage of using a framework or a development technology that includes these good practices as a part of its structure, is the impact this has over the project: it might lead you to keep working over those good practices, and of course this will be beneficial for the project during its execution and it will be also noticed in the final result. In addition the way django framework is structured makes it perfectly suitable for an agile project.

The construction of the parts of the system is made by modules, so whenever we create a new module, we can include within it all the operations we want to perform (the actions), having this way a good code project layout. In addition, this separation of concerns allows to have a good naming for the URLs along the entire solution, which is another very good point (this is also configurable).


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